Codex Now LLC

Our films aim to help people live better, happier lives by showing how others have done so. We have been backed by foundation support, the French Film Board, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, KTO, Planete, and others, and our work is intended for public television, libraries, universities, doctors, hospitals and anyone who can benefit from it.
George Crawford, managing director of Codex Now, was President of the Harvard Law Review and, in his twenties, clerked for Justice Byron White at the United States Supreme Court and served on the White House staff, before going on to practice law, develop investment funds and teach as a Consulting Professor at Stanford University. He also helped create affordable housing and job training in Los Angeles.


The Healing Within shows how doctors reduce stress through meditation and exercise, along with drugs and surgery, to prevent and treat disease, including heart disease and cancer. One man believes meditation has helped prolong his life for years after his heart stopped, and he flatlined before resuscitation by doctors. He learned meditation from a book (with his doctor?s knowledge) to cope with his stressful job. We also focus on patients of Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard and Dr. Thierry Bouillet in Paris.

In sports today, top athletes are fast approaching the physical limits of the human body. The only real possibility for improvement is the mind. A growing number of European and North American scientists are coming up with new tools for sports performance to benefit from the mental capacities of the brain — an area which has been long neglected. Now sharing their discoveries with professional sports and Olympic teams, these scientists are offering brand new perspectives to sports coaches who use them to build tailor-made training programs in which observation, concentration, and management of stress and emotions are key to unlocking “the perfect athlete.”

Coping With Chronic Illness features insights and interviews from experts and authors – some suffering from life-threatening chronic illnesses themselves – and the stories of patients who have managed to live – even happily – with a chronic disease. Three women from three different countries (US, UK, France) cope with one such disease. The difficulties, uncertainties, and isolation of living with this disease are relieved by the measures of joy that are still to be found in life – even under these circumstances. Against all expectations, the disease becomes a great battle that leads these women to reinvent themselves and their lives with greater meaning than ever before. They teach us profound lessons about what is important in our own lives, how we face imminent mortality, and whether happiness is still possible despite being afflicted with such an illness.

Solar lighting is a necessity and not just a green alternative for billions of villagers in the emerging developing world who live far from the electric power grid that connects our large cities. We travel to Africa where solar power has made a positive impact on the community by improving livelihoods and social interactions among villagers. Also, in Europe and the US, people are practicing what they preach to do their part to protect the environment. Viewers get an inside look at some real life examples including actor and environmental activist Ed Begley, Jr., who has embraced a lifestyle that depends on solar power rather than on fossil fueled power plants and cars, and actor Larry Hagman, who played JR in the successful TV series Dallas, has installed the largest residential solar array in the US at his California estate overlooking the Pacific Ocean. He even sells power from it to the utilities. (He says oilman JR would go for solar too, if he could make money at it.) By examining these diverse models, Solar Lighting will inspire and empower viewers to make changes in their own lives for the good of the environment and future generations.

A wildlife photographer and two scientific reporters take an adventurous journey through Peru by following the water cycle and crossing three of the most extreme ecosystems on our planet: the rainforest of the Amazon, the glaciers of the Andes, and the dessert planes of the Pacific Coast. As they encounter a unique biodiversity of plant and animal life, they also discover what links all three environments together and why it is so important to preserve them. Experience the beauty and thrill as these explorers capture breathtaking images, access remote sites and encounter exotic species – all in the contagious spirit of discovery!